Why use the word Shamanism and what is it really? A shaman is a spiritual practitioner who acts as an intermediary between the human world and the spiritual realms. Shamans are found in various indigenous cultures and have been part of human societies for thousands of years. Their role is to connect with the spirit world to gain insights, guidance, and healing for themselves and their community.
Spiritual Connection: Shamans are deeply connected to the spiritual world. They believe in the existence of spirits, deities, ancestors, and other supernatural beings. They communicate with these entities through rituals, ceremonies, and altered states of consciousness.
Healer and Medicine Person: One of the primary roles of a shaman is that of a healer. They use various techniques, such as herbal remedies, rituals, and energy work, to treat physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Shamans believe that illness is often caused by imbalances or disharmony in the spiritual realm, and healing involves restoring harmony and balance.
Journey to Other Realms: Shamans often enter altered states of consciousness, known as shamanic journeying, to travel to the spirit world. They may do this through drumming, chanting, dancing, or the use of hallucinogenic plants. During these journeys, they seek guidance, receive messages, and gain insights to help themselves and their community.
Divination and Prophecy: Shamans may use divination tools, such as bones, stones, cards, or symbols, to gain insight into future events or to understand the underlying causes of current situations. They may also receive prophetic visions or dreams that provide guidance for their community.
Community Leader and Counselor: Shamans often play a central role in their community. They act as spiritual leaders, mediators, and counselors, helping to resolve conflicts, provide guidance, and offer support during times of crisis.
Rituals and Ceremonies: Shamans perform various rituals and ceremonies to honor spirits, mark important life events, and celebrate nature's cycles. These rituals are believed to strengthen the connection between the human world and the spiritual realm.
Guardian of Tradition and Culture: Shamans are often keepers of their community's traditions, rituals, and knowledge. They pass down their wisdom to the next generation, preserving the cultural heritage of their people.
It's important to note that the specific practices and beliefs of shamans can vary significantly from one culture to another. Each culture has its own unique shamanic traditions and methods. While some shamans may work individually, others may work in a group or as part of a larger spiritual community.
Shamanism is not limited to any specific religion but is a cross-cultural practice found in various parts of the world, including parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania. The common thread is the shaman's role as a mediator between the human and spiritual realms, serving as a healer, counselor, and spiritual guide for their community.
Why I use it?
I want to reclaim the anchient words and bring them back into this world again. I have for a long time felt connected to the spiritual realms and have had encounters with entities and spirits. I love rituals and cermonies and connecting to higher realms, I get information and download meditation techniques from space. Nature and natural living is for me very sacred, I love working with plant medicine and healing the whole person, mind, body and soul. Animals and the kingdom of nature has a big place in my heart. I am a dreamer of big ideas and utopian living. I could see myself living at the edge of the village drawing new ideas and dreams into being. The way my ansestors would have lived in north of sweden and in nature still feels natural to me and I have a strong feeling some of them where shamans.