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Writer's pictureMa Prem Kamala

Protection- Your Immune system-The Shield

I have got a gift for you, because if there is anything I can give you the year of 2023, it is the ability to heal. And to become that strong warrior that I know you are. It is time to go ALL IN when it comes to health and this is a text that will help you do that exact thing.

So lets start!

Have you noticed that the last 3 years have been very heavy, difficult and hard to navigate? Well for most of the population we are in our darkest times. We are fighting a pandemic, a virus that can be anywhere and everywhere and on top of that we are dealing with the financial systems collapse, the environmental destruction of our planet and potential war and so it goes on and on… Let me tell you this: We are bombarded with negativity.

If you stop for a moment and imagine that you where to live in a village with your loved ones and you didn´t have any news from around the world, you would most likely be quite happy or at least content.

But we live in a world of media and one where the media platform is feeding us with fear. It has been going on for quite some time now and it is giving us

One catastrophe after another.

Fear is our immune systems biggest enemy, and by staying in fear we can never relax, and relaxation is what brings us closer to Love the opposite of fear. But every day we are blocked from feeling relaxed.

The whole system around us is built up to keep us in doubt of our own healing mechanism. We think that we need medicine and meeting a doctor who can fix us up.

In the Tantra world it is sometimes the opposite.

Many of the mystics for example say that we can heal anything within our bodies. That our bodies can deal with whatever it encountered and that our spirits is extremely wise and powerful.

But instead we are given the image that our bodies are weak and we need medicine for every symptom we occur or vaccines to keep us healthy.

Tantra is giving the practitioner some really strong recipes for a healthy immune system and I am going to give you a full tour into your own body’s strengths.

In the next couple of blogs I will tell you how to build up a strong immune system.

How does your immune system work?

Did you know that the human immune system is the most complex biological system we know of after our brain. Your immune systems consist of hundreds of tiny- and 2 big organs.

The two big organs are the Spleen and the Thymus Gland.

The Lymphatic system is a system in your body that works as a transportation channel for your immunity.

Every day your body makes hundred of billions of fresh cells ready to fight of anything that can enter into your system.

Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi enter every day and it is up to your immune cells to fight them.

The Thymus Gland

The body actually creates your fighting immune cells (white blood cells) and then send them past the thymus glands where they get tested if they are up to the challenge or not. When they do come out from the Thymus gland they are ready to tackle everything that threatens your body.

The spleen

The spleen is part of the lymphatic system being the body´s biggest blood filter. It´s role is to detect damaged and aberrant cells. When the spleen is working correctly it cleans up your blood and make sure your blood is ready to do it part, transporting the oxygen to all your cells in your body.

The Lymphatic system

Lymph – is a water fluid that flows through your lympthatic system. Much of your lymph state out as blood plasma that gets forced out of your capillaries, way down in the capillary beds where the leackage helps the exchange of nutrience and gases between the blood and the capillaries and the hungry cells in your tissues. About 600-700 lymph nodes that are basically checkpoints that monitor and cleanses the lymph.

What weakens your Immun system?


When we are stressed the immune system´s ability to fight of any antigens is reduced. That is why we are more susceptible to infections when we get stressed. The hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands play a major role in your immune system, they react to stress by producing and releasing the stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine, norepinephrine, B-endorphin, ACTH. Stress also have an indicate effect on the immunsystem as a person might start unhealthy habits/coping mechanism to reduce the stress, such as smoking, drinking, watching television, etc.


Fear is a great mechanism that has saved us humans billions of times. As it is great to have fear when it is needed, like when we are close to a cliff or we walk out on thin ice, fear that stick around for longer can be very damaging.

Fear is something that we modern humans get in contact with much more then we used to and the fear also seams to stay in our systems longer.

For examples, now we fear the climate change, terrorism and covid and it is a constant fear that doesn´t just go away. We no longer seam to be able to move away from the things that cause fear. Unless we unplug the media around us, that is to say.

Bad habits

When humans get overwhelmed we tend to turn to bad habits. For example, if your parents gave you a pacifier every time you where sad or started to scream instead of dealing with what causes you to cry in the start. Then when you grow up you might have uncomfortable feelings and you might try to find a pacifier in your surrounding instead of actually dealing with the feeling that arrised. It can be a cigarette, some comfort food, some TV-programme, alcohol, other drugs, violent behaviour or apathy.


As you might know already most of the food we eat today consist of pestiscys (to make vegetables and fruit grow) anabola steroid (to make animals grow) and preservatives (to make the food last longer) and the list of unnatural ingrediance can be made longer and longer. This is causing our food to be less nutritious. We also eat our food in a rush so we forget to shew enough therefore causing an upset and bloated belly trying to process the food we feds it. Many of us eats things that we can´t digested and many don´t have a good biome in our guts. Resent facts have shown that a healthy gut means a good immune system. And it makes a lot of sense to eat food that is helping us to stay healthy then to eat food that makes us sick.

Food is Medicine.


Science show that people who think that they are healthy stay healthy and people who are neurotic believe that they get sick all the time, also do get sick all the time. So what we think is what we become.

Our brain sends us important information all the time about how our bodies are doing, we get signals after each activity, after eating, after talking, after watching a program and it keeps calling for our attention.

The problem many people have is that they seam to listen to all that negative thoughts that come up but fail to listen to the signals our bodies are giving us.

When we ignore signals and listen to the clutter we tend to supress our important thought and signals. When we silence our minds we can listen in to what is really going on inside of us.

”Studies of people with severe depression have found that they show a slightly decreased proliferative response. In people with normal “depressed” moods, there is some evidence of change in the immune system: when experiencing a depressed state, the response was at its lowest level. It was at its highest level when experiencing positive states. Studies that looked at short-term negative moods found that there was a slight drop in the proliferative response but that it returned to normal when the mood dissipated. These studies found that positive moods actually boosted the proliferative response and kept it elevated for a short time, and then it returned to its normal state.”


Trauma that we have not dealt with and suppressed for a long time can cause our immune system to collapse over and over again. The trauma can be subcouncioss and you might never know the cause of it. Unless you start working with trauma healing techniques that will help you see what you have been forgetting and help you to work your way through it. By working with trauma you can really improve your life quality and your immune system


Not only in food we can find chemicals. We can find them in the shampoo, in soup, in our cloth washing powder, dishwashing powder, in our new plastic clothes, in our water, in the air we breathe etc. Your immune system will improve if you minimalize the amount of chemicals that you surround yourself with on a daily basis.

How can you get a strong immune system?


Nowadays there are very few people on the planet who really truly understand the concept of rest and manage to rest properly. What we call resting is usually something that happens to us after a full day of work, when we have been running to work, leaving the kids in school, working 8 hours, making food, going to activities, or visiting friends, and only after such a day we say “time to rest” and puts on the TV for a couple of hours. Where we watch things that might not give us absolute peace and restfulness. People who say they are going to rest don´t usually rest. They might be sitting still for a moment but their isn´t really silence or deep relaxation


Same thing with relaxation. When we say we are relaxed we might not really be. We might only think that we are relaxed but if we take the time to scan our bodies we will find that some parts of us are still tensing.

To be utterly relaxed we need to deeply connect with our bodies to feel into the muscles, are they really relaxed or is there another layer of relaxation we can go into.


How do we restore? And how often do we take the time to restore? Is there a specific way for you as an individual to restore your self?

It can take people a very long time to find out how to restore themselves. But here are some examples: Go out in nature and be in silence, sit and watch the sun go down, wake up and lay still and let your senses come alive. Do things mindfully, Do some restorative yoga, walk slowly. Do thing that makes you happy.

Tantric practises to strengthen your immune system

When you start to practise Tantra on a daily basis you will actually start to understand the benefits Tantra has on you as a whole. Not only does it help with resting, relaxation and restoring but it is giving you a deeper understanding about yourself. When you start to know yourself you see more clearly why you are taking different choices, doing different habits, having different feelings. You start to understand whom you truly are and can therefore help yourself more easily because you are taking sharge of your own health and well-being. All the techniques I will present are techniques you can start with by your self in your home and can make a tremendous change in your feeling about your self. Being in charge of yourself gives you a feeling of strength and power.

Breathing techniques

Basically any Tantric breathing techniques that you can find are going to help you calm down and boost your immune system. But especially the ones that give you a deep relaxation feeling will boost your immune system.

To allow prana to truly come in and fill you with energy you need to breath deeply and really let your lungs expand and fill up with air. We can recharge our cellular structure with the simple discipline of Pranayama.


Put year fingers into Nasagra mudra, ring finger and little finger held down. And place you thumb on your right nostril and start breathing in air in the left nostril, then shift and hold your left nostril with you index finger and let the air out in the right nostril. Then breathe in to the right nostril and shift back to the left again to breath out. This technique is amazing in balancing your chakras and the two channels you have within your body, the Ida and the Pingala energy channels next to your spine. Do this exercise 10-15 min per day.


A teqniques that is about holding your breath. Because when we hold our breath we send the air into those plays in the body that has less air or less airflow. When we are blocked or stiff we often have blockages inside our body and by holding the air it will be guided to those place. This practise opens up clogged chambers of the lungs and also improves the breathing capacity.


Any kind of massage will help you to bring oxytocin into your body and relax yourself and your muscles. But Tantra massage is so good because it will be a nice gentle massage where pleasure and energy activation is theism one of the main goals. When you give yourself pleasure you can also increase your immune system.

”Marma is an important concept in Ayurveda treatments, this ancient Indian practice marma therapy whose focus the manipulation of the vital energy (prana) in the body to help the healing process.

There are 107 points in the body to access the healing process to restore the patients health and serenity. The ancients Indian treatments believed that a health soul can only grow and flourish in a strong health body.”

You can now book a massage with me on my webpage.

Affirmations and Mantras

What you think is what you become.

In Tantra we practise mantras and affirmations to have healthy thoughts. This can have a great affect on your immune system.

One of the highly effective tools is the chanting of mantras.

A Spanish study has show a effect on the immune cells and and Indian study has shown proves of increases immunity and reduced stress-levels.

Here is a good mantra for health and

Gayatri Mantra

Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

tat savitur vareṇyaṃ

bhargo devasya dhīmahi

dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt

Affirmations you can used daily can be:

1. I am healthy and getting healthier every day!

2. I radiate health.

3. I know, I have a great immune system.

4. My body is strong and it shall stay strong in all situations.

5. My body listens to my commands.

6. I know, I can heal myself!

7. I am happy, energetic and peaceful.

8. I care for my body and my body cares for me!

9. My sleep is deep and refreshing.

10.Today is a great day!


Prana Mudra

Thumb mets ring finger and little finger. Posture improves immunity power, makes you feel energized, balance the body’s energy, improves vision and mobility of eye, and reduces the block in blood vessels. Regular practise of this mudra increases the body-resistance to diseases and removes lack of energy.

Baleshwar Mudra

It is a Power ful Mudra that can help cure you. With your intention it can be directed to a specific organ within the body. It also help with addictions

Uttarabodhi Mudra

This Mudra charges you lung and heart and can help you by making it easier for you to breath and use your lungs capacity.

Vjana Mudra

Improves metabolism, digestive fire and helps in treating loose motions. By balancing Vyan Vayu it regulates and corrects blood pressure, ensures proper blood circulation to all parts of body.

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